Do you need a quiet and comfortable place to study?
Use your Library services!
The Campus Branch Reading Room has 44 workstations designated for users. Users have access to computers and wireless Internet access.
Working hours from Monday to Friday from 9:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m
Library services

Users of the Campus Branch Library can be all Croatian and foreign citizens over the age of 18.
When joining, it is necessary to fill in the registration form and attach documents confirming the status on the basis of which the right to a certain amount of membership fee is realised, which is specified in the price list of services:
- Students attach a certificate of enrollment for the current academic year and/or a valid student card
- Employees of the University of Rijeka enclose a valid employee card
In case of renewal of membership, the user is obliged to pay all debts to the library. In case of change of user data in case of membership renewal, the user must fill in a new registration form.
- Materials outside the library can be borrowed only by students and employees of the University of Rijeka who are annual members
- A maximum of 3 volumes can be borrowed at the same time
- The users are obliged to keep the borrowed material and to return it within the prescribed period in the condition in which they borrowed it
- Users can see their borrowed material here .
- The loan period is 30 days
- The loan period can be extended only once if the material has not been reserved by another user in the meantime. It is possible to extend the loan by e-mail or phone, without coming to the library, but only within the loan period.
- For books that are not returned on time, a late fee is charged per unit and per number of days, the borrowing period is exceeded, according to service price list.
- In case of termination of membership, the user is obliged to return all borrowed materials and settle possible debts.
- Materials that cannot be borrowed from outside the library: periodicals, reference collection, the last copy of compulsory examination literature, materials from special collections and non-book materials. The above material is used exclusively in the reading room.
- Materials that are on loan from another user can be reserved. After the return of the material, the library informs the user who is obliged to collect it within 3 working days.
- A user who damages or loses borrowed material is obliged to replace it with an identical edition (same ISBN). If the material cannot be purchased on the market, the user is obliged to reimburse the purchase costs according to the amount specified in the inventory book or according to the valuation of the book according to the Decision on criteria for valuation of materials of the Rijeka University Library.
Assistance in searching material
- Checking whether the library owns a particular material, book or journal and what the terms of use are help in formulating a request for information (selection of keywords)
- Help in searching library catalogs, licensed online resources, portals of scientific journals and other relevant online resources
Thematic search
Users can request a more extensive search of sources according to a given topic for the purposes of writing seminar and final papers, graduate, specialist, and doctoral theses, as well as for the needs of projects or personal research.
When processing the request, the library catalog, licensed online resources to which the library has secured access, portals of science journals, and other relevant scientific online resources are searched.
For the thematic search service, it is necessary to fill in the form.
Requests will be processed within five (5) working days, and the thematic search service will be charged according to the services price list.
E mail:
The Campus Branch Reading Room has 44 workstations designated for users. Entry into the library must be reported to library staff. Users have access to computers, a multifunction device for scanning and printing, and wireless Internet access.
- Library users who require material from other libraries in Croatia or abroad can request it through the interlibrary loan system.
- Requests are submitted at the information desk or by e-mail:
- The period and manner of using the acquired material depend on the rules of the interlibrary borrowing system of the libraries from which the material was borrowed, and the articles remain in the user’s permanent ownership.
- The user may use the material exclusively for private purposes in accordance with the Law on Copyright and Related Rights.
- Interlibrary loan services are charged according to the services price list.
- All possible costs of damage or loss of material are borne by the user.
It is possible to have the library material:
- photocopied,
- printed,
- scanned,
- photographed (with a digital camera), in accordance with the Copyright and Related Rights Act (OG 167/03).
Users can use the self-scan service for free. Other duplication services are charged according to the services price list.